Source code for /library/errorMessage.php

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// define some error message

// category and product related errors
define(‘MISSING_CATEGORY_ID’, ‘Category id is undefined’);
define(‘MISSING_PRODUCT_ID’,  ‘Product id is undefined’);
define(‘UNKNOWN_CATEGORY’,    ‘The category id you specified does not exist in the catalog’);
define(‘UNKNOWN_PRODUCT’,     ‘The product id you specified does not exist in the catalog’);

// shopping cart errors
define(‘PRODUCT_NOT_IN_STOCK’, ‘This product is no longer in stock’);
define(‘OVER_QUANTITY’,        ‘The quantity you have selected is more than we currently have in stock.
The number available is indicated in the &quot;Quantity&quot; block. ‘);

// checkout errors
define(‘INCOMPLETE_INFO’, ‘The information you supplied is missing some important things’);

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