Source code for /library/category-functions.php

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require_once ‘config.php’;
*                 CATEGORY FUNCTIONS

Return the current category list which only shows
the currently selected category and it’s children.
This function is made so it can also handle deep
category levels ( more than two levels )
function formatCategories($categories$parentId)
// $navCat stores all children categories
// of $parentId
$navCat = array();
// expand only the categories with the same parent id
// all other remain compact
$ids = array();
foreach (
$categories as $category) {
if (
$category['cat_parent_id'] == $parentId) {
$navCat[] = $category;

// save the ids for later use
$ids[$category['cat_id']] = $category;

$tempParentId $parentId;
// keep looping until we found the
// category where the parent id is 0
while ($tempParentId != 0) {
$parent    = array($ids[$tempParentId]);
$currentId $parent[0]['cat_id'];
// get all categories on the same level as the parent
$tempParentId $ids[$tempParentId]['cat_parent_id'];
foreach (
$categories as $category) {
// found one category on the same level as parent
// put in $parent if it’s not already in it
if ($category['cat_parent_id'] == $tempParentId && !in_array($category$parent)) {
$parent[] = $category;

// sort the category alphabetically
// merge parent and child
$n count($parent);
$navCat2 = array();
for (
$i 0$i $n$i++) {
$navCat2[] = $parent[$i];
if (
$parent[$i]['cat_id'] == $currentId) {
$navCat2 array_merge($navCat2$navCat);

$navCat $navCat2;

return $navCat;

Get all top level categories
function getCategoryList()
$sql “SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_image
FROM tbl_category
WHERE cat_parent_id = 0
ORDER BY cat_name”
$result dbQuery($sql);
$cat = array();
while (
$row dbFetchAssoc($result)) {
if ($cat_image) {
$cat_image WEB_ROOT ‘images/category/’ $cat_image;
} else {
$cat_image WEB_ROOT ‘images/no-image-small.png’;

$cat[] = array(‘url’   => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ‘?c=’ $cat_id,
‘image’ => $cat_image,
‘name’  => $cat_name);
return $cat;

Fetch all children categories of $id.
Used for display categories
function getChildCategories($categories$id$recursive true)
if (
$categories == NULL) {
$categories fetchCategories();

$n     count($categories);
$child = array();
for (
$i 0$i $n$i++) {
$catId    $categories[$i]['cat_id'];
$parentId $categories[$i]['cat_parent_id'];
if (
$parentId == $id) {
$child[] = $catId;
if (
$recursive) {
$child   array_merge($childgetChildCategories($categories,$catId));

return $child;

function fetchCategories()
$sql “SELECT cat_id, cat_parent_id, cat_name, cat_image, cat_description
FROM tbl_category
ORDER BY cat_id, cat_parent_id “
$result dbQuery($sql);
$cat = array();
while (
$row dbFetchAssoc($result)) {
$cat[] = $row;

return $cat;


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