Shopping Cart Source Code

You can download the whole script as a zip file here. To install the shopping cart you need to do these :

  1. Extract the zip file ( ex. to C:\Webroot\plaincart )
  2. Create a new MySQL database ( ex. ‘plaincart’ );
  3. Create the tables using the SQL in plaincart.sql. On windows just open a command prompt window ( Start > Run > cmd.exe ) and go to the directory where you unzip the files then type this :C:\mysql\bin\mysql plaincart < plaincart.sqlI’m assuming you install mysql in C:\MySQL
  4. Modify the database connection settings in library/config.php.
By the way, someone asked me about the license for the code so here it is :
The code is free to use, modify, or enhance. If you want to show you appreciation by placing a link to this site then i’ll be very very very grateful :-). If you don’t want to link to this site it’s allright because the code was meant to be free anyway.
Below is the list of the shopping cart files. I only list the php files excluding the css and javascript files

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